
Has anyone ever made you feel worthless? Have you ever made yourself feel worthless? Are we worthless? What is our worth? Where do we find our worth? These are questions that are swimming in my head that is flooding with confusion and pain for the worthlessness we allow ourselves to feel.

I have absolutely no worth or value on my own. Sure I'm a wife who is loved by her husband, a mother who is adored by her children, a daughter who is cared for by her parents but none of that matters in the end. My only worth, my only value is found in Christ Jesus. You see all the people in my life that find me to be valuable aren't permanent, nothing here is. I may one day make them mad at me, I'm sure one day I will fail them and chip away at the my value in their eyes. It is inevitable, I am human and flawed. I know it seems depressing but its true. I can't put my value in their evaluation of my worth because their perception of my value is an opinion and subject to change. It is not constant nor objective, it is affected by my actions, their moods, and even the environment around us. On the flip side those in my life who find me to be of little value don't actually hold my worth either. Their opinions are just as unpredictable and subjective as the opinions of those who love me.

My true value and worth is found in Christ. God created me. He knows my good, bad, and ugly. He loves me just as much when I'm a shining star of life and when I'm sitting at the bottom of the pit I dug for myself. He created me. I am His child. I am the daughter of the one true King. He has gifted me with His grace and mercy. He has bestowed upon me His Holy Spirit to guide me. He has an inheritance awaiting me in Heaven. He loves me. He values me. He calls me worthy even though I am not.

He is to where I look to see who I am. His Word points out my flaws but not to make me feel bad but to guide me to a better version of myself. His Spirit guides me on how to best live to show my true value and worth to others. He is there to comfort me when others treat me as though I am worthless.
I am me because of Him.

Who are you? Where does your value lie? Does it lie in the way your family treats you, the affections of your spouse, the opinions of social media? Or does your value lie in the one who formed your inner most being, who laid His Son's life down for you, who is with you everyday good or bad? Find your true value in Christ and never let go.


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